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Unexpected events modulate task-independent signaling in VIP and excitatory cells of the visual cortex.
Najafi F*, Russo S, Lecoq J*
2024; iScience (accepted); DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.15.594366 * co-corresponding author
Spike Reliability is Cell-Type Specific and Shapes Excitation and Inhibition in the Cortex.
Russo S, Stanley GB, Najafi F
2024; Scientific Reports (accepted); PMID: 38895401
Stimulus novelty uncovers coding diversity in visual cortical circuits.
Garrett M*, Groblewski P*, Piet A*, Ollerenshaw D*, Najafi F*, Yavorska I*, ..., Mihalas S, Arkhipov A, Koch C, Olsen R S
2023; bioRxiv; DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.14.528085 * co-first author
Excitatory and Inhibitory Subnetworks Are Equally Selective during Decision-Making and Emerge Simultaneously during Learning.
Najafi F, Elsayed GF, Cao R, Pnevmatikakis E, Latham PE, Cunningham JP, Churchland AK
2020; Neuron; PMID: 31753580
Bidirectional short-term plasticity during single-trial learning of cerebellar-driven eyelid movements in mice.
Najafi F, Medina JF
2020; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; PMID: 31610225
CaImAn an open source tool for scalable calcium imaging data analysis.
Giovannucci A, Friedrich J, Gunn P, Kalfon J, Koay SU, Taxidis J, Najafi F, Gauthier JL, Zhou P, Tank DW, Chklovskii DB, Pnevmatikakis E
2019; Elife; PMID: 30652683
Perceptual Decision-Making: A Field in the Midst of a Transformation.
Najafi F, Churchland AK
2018; Neuron; PMID: 30359608
Cerebellar granule cells acquire a widespread predictive feedback signal during motor learning.
Giovannucci A, Badura A, Deverett B, Najafi F, Pereira TD, Gao Z, Ozden I, Kloth AD, Pnevmatikakis E, Paninski L, De Zeeuw CI, Medina JF, Wang SS
2017; Nature Neuroscience; PMID: 28319608
Sensory-driven enhancement of calcium signals in individual Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice.
Najafi F*, Giovannucci A*, Wang SSH, Medina JF
2014; Cell Reports; PMID: 24582958
Coding of stimulus strength via analog calcium signals in Purkinje cell dendrites of awake mice.
Najafi F, Giovannucci A, Wang SSH, Medina JF
2014; Elife; PMID: 25205669
Beyond "all-or-nothing" climbing fibers: graded representation of teaching signals in Purkinje cells.
Najafi F, Medina JF
2013; Frontiers in Neural Circuits; PMID: 23847473